Jun 251 min read拼音拼读练习(Pinyin Exercises)Full Pinyin Chart with Audio here.b p m f2. d t n l3. g k h4. j q x5. z c s6. zh ch sh r7. y w8. ai ei ui9. ao ou iu10. ie üe er
Full Pinyin Chart with Audio here.b p m f2. d t n l3. g k h4. j q x5. z c s6. zh ch sh r7. y w8. ai ei ui9. ao ou iu10. ie üe er
How to Apply for the "Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Permanent Residents (Non-Chinese)”? 如何申请《港澳居民来往内地通行证(非中国籍)》?